PawPal App
Fictional dog community app created in the Human-Computer Interaction graduate program at DePaul University.
Research Method
I completed usability testing with three users, aligning the tasks with my four key interactions. Since this is a low-fidelity prototype, participants were shown one screen at a time, and I asked them to “click” on an area in order to show them the next appropriate screen. Participants included close friends and tests were completed via Zoom. There were no users that struggled completing the tasks, but I received good feedback on updates to the interface.
Key Takeaways
– Add icons to bottom navigation (this was missing due to low-fidelity)
– Add a “Create New Post” button in bottom bar – similar to Instagram
– Turn the neighborhood newsfeed into the home page, rather than having a home page of buttons/links to everything – similar to other social media sites
– Add the app name/logo above the newsfeed on the home screen
– Include a profile picture option for both the dog and the owner, rather than a combined photo
Hi-Fi Prototype
Future Work:
– Add a specific scheduling widget to schedule playdates, dog-sitting, training, etc. with other dogs/neighbors
– Design the notifications tab
– Design miscellaneous options/tabs: All settings pages/hamburger menu options found on profile, Posts tab inside profile view, Newsfeed filter options
– One more round of usability testing prior to launch